Lesson 1


Lesson Plan #1 Title:  Locomotor Skills


Performance Objective: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different

locomotor movements, being able to complete 5 out of 7 movements successfully.


Resources or Materials Needed: Rubber ploy-spots for home bases, Movement cube, iPad for


teacher, computer for music, Pandora music


Time: 45 minutes


Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Students will enter the gym and we will discuss our goal for the day and discuss why we are trying to reach that goal. The class will talk about different movements and why they are important. In this discussion students will also talk about why it is important to keep their bodies in their own personal space. (Ex. Eyes forward, hands and feet to self.) The students will also be instructed that Pandora music is the starting and stopping signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using https://www.pandora.com/station

Step 2: Content Presentation: Next, the class will begin talking about the 7 movements, walking, running, side-sliding, galloping, skipping, jumping and hopping.  They will discuss what they look like and where they can use each movement outside of P.E. This shows the importance of the movements and where the students can connect them outside of P.E. When talking about each movement, the teacher will physically demonstrate the movement for the students to see and they’ll respond with what they saw. The teacher has the students be as specific as possible when describing the movement. (Ex. Walking-Toes pointing forward, eyes forward, swing arms at your side, slower pace.) The class will do that with each movement and the teacher will direct the conversation.

Step 3: Learner Participation:  After the class discusses each movement it is time for students to participate in our movement activity. Each student has a home base marked with a rubber circle on the gym floor, the student is able to pick their own spot and has to figure out if they have enough personal space. They do this by putting their arms straight out and moving them side to side, the teacher calls this a helicopter, if no one is touching then they have enough space. After they find they home base spot, the teacher rolls a movement cube that has all of the movements on them so that it’s random. After each roll the students perform the movement on the cube while the teacher watches for proper form and to make sure everyone stays in their space. After observation, the class will have a quick check in with some things that they did well and some things that can use improvement. If they had a hard time with a specific movement the teacher will demonstrate again and have them shadow. After performing all the movements for the day, the teacher will bring the students to the meeting area and use GoNoodle to cool them down. The teacher will use https://family.gonoodle.com/activities/melting.

Step 4: Assessment: The teacher assesses while observing the students performing the movements, with this lesson, the teacher assesses specifically on the movement and not so much the description yet. The teacher will use an iPad and will give students either a check mark if they can perform the movement and if they aren’t able to get all of the cues they get marked with an “x” and then the teacher is able to see how many of the movements they can perform. The teacher also has student self-assess at the end of every class so the teacher knows how they are feeling about the movements after they try them. If the students aren’t feeling comfortable they will talk one on one to see if the teacher can help at all. The students will give a thumbs up if they are completely comfortable, thumb to the side of they feel ok, and thumbs down if they are completely confused and don’t understand.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: After this lesson, the class constantly work on these movements. As the class moves through the school year and change skills, the teacher still has students warm up with these movements and observe and correct them as they go. The class will also use these movements in different tag games or activities they do throughout the year as well.