Instructor's Manual








TAT2 Task 3: Instructor’s Manual





Kevin Ross





















A Written Project Presented to the Faculty of the Teachers College of


Western Governors University












Table of Contents



Unit overview………………………………………………………3


Instructional Sequence……………………………………………..4


Lesson Discussions………………………………………………...5




Audience and setting……………………………………………….8


Instructional Goal…………………………………………………..9




Delivery Approach…………………………………………………10


Materials and Resources……………………………………………10


Lesson Plans………………………………………………………...11


            Lesson 1……………………………………………………..11


            Lesson 2……………………………………………………..13


            Lesson 3……………………………………………………..16


            Lesson 4……………………………………………………..18


            Lesson 5……………………………………………………..21


            Lesson 6……………………………………………………..24


            Lesson 7……………………………………………………..27

















Unit Overview


            This instructional unit is the foundation of P.E. class. The class will learn how to move safely together using 7 locomotor skills most commonly used during P.E. They will also be able to move at different speeds, levels, in different pathways and understand why all of these things are important. It will take place over 5-6 weeks since time with them is limited. By the end of the unit the students should be able to move safely together while utilizing different movements, pathways and levels. This will set the class up for success for the rest of the year as they will be able to use most all of the things learned in this unit in other units as well. Students will be assessed daily by teacher observation; the teacher will watch students as they move and record what he sees in an iPad. If students perform the specific task they get a check mark and if they cannot they get an “x”.  The teacher uses Idoceo on his iPad to assess the students. The teacher will use a YouTube playlist of videos that include most of the locomotor movements. (Side-slide, gallop, skip, hop, jump, and walk) It has leaping in there, which the class doesn’t learn quite yet and it doesn’t include running either, as all students know how to run. The teacher will use The link will take to you the playlist, the teacher can choose which movement to present or let the playlist cycle through each movement. The teacher will also utilize Pandora music ( as a tool to start and stop the students during class, the teacher will control the music through a computer that is connected to an aux cord in the meeting area that plays through speakers that are installed in the gym. When using the Pandora link, it might go to the home page and the teacher can search Kidz Bop station. Lastly, GoNoodle will be used to cool students down at the end of class in order for the class to have a meaningful conversation before they line up to leave. The teacher will use


Instructional Sequence

            Pre-instructional activities is the first thing the class will do when they come in. The teacher will get them thinking about what they did last class and begin to think about what they are going to do for the day. The goal for the day will be discussed and they will talk about important things, such as how to move safely, why our task for the day is important and the teacher will also give a few important directions and reminders. The teacher will also discuss any resources that aren’t usually available or to give them reminders about things such as starting and stopping with music and why that is a safe thing to do. This usually takes about 3-5 minutes.

            Content presentation is when the teacher will start teaching the new task the class will be working on for the day. The teacher presents the information to the whole class all at once. This is the time to really gain the attention and interest of the class. The teacher will do any demonstrations at this time as well as take any questions from students during this period in class. There is a little bit of time allotted for students to have some conversations with each other around the topic for the day. This usually takes 5 minutes.

            Learner participation is next, this is when the students will physically perform the activity they discussed during the content presentation. This gives the teacher an idea of who understood what parts of the presentation to start the class. During learner participation students will have the opportunity not only to physically perform the task but also discuss it between movements/activities so that they are able to get feedback from their peers but also the teacher. At the end of this portion of class, students also have a cool down and have a longer more meaningful discussion before lining up. This is the bulk of the class and usually takes 20-25 minute depending on how much feedback in needed and how long it took to start class.

            Assessments are normally a part of the learner participation also for P.E. The teacher is always observing and recording some kind of information with the activity the class is doing. The teacher records this in an iPad in the app Idoceo. The student’s self-assessment comes at the end of class before they line up. After the teacher calls their name the teacher records their assessment with a pen and paper. Kindergarten students give a thumbs up, thumb to the side or thumbs down depending on how comfortable they felt with the day’s lesson.

            The follow up activity doesn’t usually happen until the next class or later on in the year. The time constraints in P.E. make it difficult to do a follow up activity in the same day. This will take place the following day and usually builds on the previous lesson.

Lesson Discussions

Lesson 1

            In lesson 1, students will be building the foundation for P.E., this lesson will give them the tools needed to be successful in P.E. The class will learn 7 different locomotor movements, walking, running, side-sliding, galloping, jumping, hopping and skipping. Along with the movements the class discusses the importance of moving in their own space while performing these locomotor movements. The first lesson is very slow paced, there is a lot of teacher demonstration and allows for the students to follow what the teacher is showing. This lesson will be referenced a lot through-out the year, because the class uses these movements almost every day they come to P.E. as well as outside of P.E. on the playground and many other places.

Lesson 2

            Lesson 2 builds on lesson 1. The class continues using the locomotor movements presented in lesson 1 but the class adds in different pathways. The class discusses the different pathways and why they are important and how they can use them. Students will learn about straight, curved and zig-zag pathways and combine them with the locomotor movements. Students may make connections to different activities or sports they can use the pathways in. 

Lesson 3

            This lesson continues to build on moving safely together as well as combing locomotor movements with other movement concepts. The main focus in the lesson is adding in 3 levels while moving. Students will use high, medium and low levels while combing them with locomotor movements and pathways. Students will show and describe the 3 different levels and when the best times are to use them. Students may also make connections to other sports or activities to use the levels in. Students will travel with juggling scarves and hold them in the level that the teacher calls out to demonstrate that they know the correct level. 

Lesson 4

            In lesson 4, the class does a review of lesson 1 but today they are going to be using hula hoops while they move. The hula hoop will represent their personal space while they are moving and they aren’t to touch another student’s hula hoop. In the lesson there will be a YouTube video introduced in order to help with proper execution and proper form of the movement. The teacher will have the video running on the Promethean board for students to check at any time if they need assistance. The lesson really focuses on staying in personal space while moving and actually has a physical object showing that personal space.



Lesson 5

            During this lesson students will partner up and be playing follow the leader. This lesson goes back to focusing on pathways, as well as the locomotor movements they’ve learned. Each student will get a chance to be the leader and the follower. There will be a round when the leaders chooses the movement and the follow does exactly what the leader does and then a round when the follower has to do something different from the leader. Students will follow the same pathway but choose different movements. This lesson focuses on the use of pathways and how sometimes using the same pathway with a different movement can be very different. Students will also understand the importance of following at a safe distance and staying in their own personal space.

Lesson 6

            Lesson 6 brings everything together again, students will be using different levels, pathways and movements during this lesson. Students will be playing Germ Tag. This game levels up, there will be 3 different rounds as explained in the lesson plan below. When playing the game students will use pool noodles to tag others while using different movements, pathways and levels. Students will find out how using different pathways can help them avoid being tagged and which one is best to use. They will use the different levels mostly after they are tagged when they are trying to get back into the game. This game is fun and excited and really engages all students.

Lesson 7

            The final lesson of the unit has the students doing a variety of activities. The teacher will set up different stations for students to perform different activities at. Each station is different and has students using concepts they learned throughout the unit. The teacher will be individually questioning students about the concepts they learned so he can assess them. The teacher will also be observing their physical performances at the stations.



            Most of the assessment done during P.E. is observational. The teacher will observe the students during the activity time and record it in an iPad. There is some student self-assessment also that the teacher records with a pen and paper. The teacher uses the assessments to see who needs more feedback and which students can assist others during class.


Audience and Setting

The setting for kindergartner P.E. is a large gymnasium, it is the size of most high school gyms, there are 21 kindergarten students that attend P.E. for 45 minutes once a week, sometimes twice a week. There is only one teacher in the classroom. Some general characteristics of the kindergarten PE class are low attention spans, unwillingness to sit still and listen to detailed instruction, the desire to want to talk and touch their friends. They also have a massive amount of energy that needs to be released. Most students are uncoordinated and have trouble moving safely together. Most students have an idea of how to run and walk safely but some of the other movements are foreign and new to them. A pre-requisite skill would be for students to be able to simply move together without touching each other which can often times be challenging. Their attitudes and motivation towards PE in general are amazing, they love to come in and move and learn during P.E. They especially love to come in and practice movements because it gives them a sense of freedom moving in that big space.  A subject that is always talked about how safe movements translate to the real world, whether it's something as simple as walking down a street or moving successfully during another sport or activity they play. There are a variety of other unique characteristics in this kindergarten class. There are a few students who are considered refugee/ESL students who may have some trouble with the language, but overall speak and understand English pretty well. Kindergarten overall is pretty unique is the aspect that most of them have never been in a learning space as big as the gym that they are in so there is a lot of curiosity around that and that takes away from some of the learning. There is also a kindergarten student who was retained for another year and still has trouble sitting still and following instruction. There are also a few students who want to “be in charge” and be a leader and show the class how certain things are done.


Instructional Goal

Kindergarten students will be able to use all locomotor skills correctly, show that they can stay in their personal space and use different pathways and levels while doing so. They will use these locomotor skills during different games in P.E. as well as be comfortable using them outside of P.E.




Objective 1: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different locomotor movements, being able to complete 5 out of 7 movements successfully.

Objective 2: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different locomotor movements combined with different pathways, being able to identify all 3 pathways and perform 5 out of 7 movements successfully. 

Objective 3: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different locomotor movements combined with different pathways and levels, being able to identify all 3 levels and all 3 pathways while performing 5 out of 7 movements successfully.   


Delivery Approach

            The approach used during this unit will be a lot of class discussion paired with demonstrations for the teacher and some of the students. The teacher will also utilize YouTube videos to deliver instruction and assist students with using the proper form during movements. This will be a unit where students will be showing their work physically through their movements and getting feedback from the teacher as they are moving.


Materials and Resources





  • Ploy spots


  • Dodgeballs


  • iPad


  • Promethean Board


  • Pool noodles


  • Hula hoops


  • Juggling scarves


  • Cones


  • Bean bags


  • Computer


  • 9 ft crawl through tunnel


  • Movement cubes


Lesson Plans


Lesson Plan #1 Title:  Locomotor Skills


Performance Objective: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different locomotor movements, being able to complete 5 out of 7 movements successfully.

Resources or Materials Needed: Rubber ploy-spots for home bases, Movement cube, iPad for


teacher, computer for music, Pandora music


Time: 45 minutes


Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Students will enter the gym and we will discuss our goal for the day and discuss why we are trying to reach that goal. The class will talk about different movements and why they are important. In this discussion students will also talk about why it is important to keep their bodies in their own personal space. (Ex. Eyes forward, hands and feet to self.) The students will also be instructed that Pandora music is the starting and stopping signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using

Step 2: Content Presentation: Next, the class will begin talking about the 7 movements, walking, running, side-sliding, galloping, skipping, jumping and hopping.  They will discuss what they look like and where they can use each movement outside of P.E. This shows the importance of the movements and where the students can connect them outside of P.E. When talking about each movement, the teacher will physically demonstrate the movement for the students to see and they’ll respond with what they saw. The teacher has the students be as specific as possible when describing the movement. (Ex. Walking-Toes pointing forward, eyes forward, swing arms at your side, slower pace.) The class will do that with each movement and the teacher will direct the conversation.

Step 3: Learner Participation:  After the class discusses each movement it is time for students to participate in our movement activity. Each student has a home base marked with a rubber circle on the gym floor, the student is able to pick their own spot and has to figure out if they have enough personal space. They do this by putting their arms straight out and moving them side to side, the teacher calls this a helicopter, if no one is touching then they have enough space. After they find they home base spot, the teacher rolls a movement cube that has all of the movements on them so that it’s random. After each roll the students perform the movement on the cube while the teacher watches for proper form and to make sure everyone stays in their space. After observation, the class will have a quick check in with some things that they did well and some things that can use improvement. If they had a hard time with a specific movement the teacher will demonstrate again and have them shadow. After performing all the movements for the day, the teacher will bring the students to the meeting area and use GoNoodle to cool them down. The teacher will use

Step 4: Assessment: The teacher assesses while observing the students performing the movements, with this lesson, the teacher assesses specifically on the movement and not so much the description yet. The teacher will use an iPad and will give students either a check mark if they can perform the movement and if they aren’t able to get all of the cues they get marked with an “x” and then the teacher is able to see how many of the movements they can perform. The teacher also has student self-assess at the end of every class so the teacher knows how they are feeling about the movements after they try them. If the students aren’t feeling comfortable they will talk one on one to see if the teacher can help at all. The students will give a thumbs up if they are completely comfortable, thumb to the side of they feel ok, and thumbs down if they are completely confused and don’t understand.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: After this lesson, the class constantly work on these movements. As the class moves through the school year and change skills, the teacher still has students warm up with these movements and observe and correct them as they go. The class will also use these movements in different tag games or activities they do throughout the year as well. 


Lesson Plan #2 Title:  Pathways and Locomotor Skills

Performance Objective: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different locomotor movements combined with different pathways, being

able to identify all 3 pathways and perform 5 out of 7 movements successfully.

Resources or Materials Needed: Poly-spots, movement cubes, Pandora music, iPad for teacher, computer for teacher

Time: 45 minutes 

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: After students enter the gym the class will discuss our goal for the day why they are trying to reach that goal. The class will also quickly review the movements from the last lesson. The class will also review why personal space is important and what they can do in order to keep that personal space. (Ex. Eyes forward, hands and feet to self.) They will also talk about why their home base spots and why those are important. The students will also be instructed that Pandora music is the starting and stopping signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using

Step 2: Content Presentation: After talking about the goal for the day and reviewing the previous lesson and what movements they practiced the class will talk about pathways and why they are important. When talking about the pathways, the teacher will ask what kind of pathways they may know, some can recall pathways they’ve used but may not use the correct terminology. The teacher will introduce straight, curved and zig-zag pathways and ask why or when they might use those when moving. After discussing the different pathways most students can draw on prior knowledge about the pathways and can recall times they’ve used the pathways as well. The class will usually talk about them in terms of letters, a straight line is like lowercase L, curved pathways are like a letter S, C, U or O, and finally they can tell me a zig-zag is like a letter Z, W, N or M. This helps them understand the different pathways a little easier.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will then find their home base spots once again and use the helicopter to see if they have enough personal space. Once they have enough personal space the class will begin the movement activity. The teacher will again have movements cubes, this time the teacher will roll 2, one with a movement and one with a pathway. The teacher will direct the activity and show the movement and ask about the pathway and why/when it might be important to use this pathway combined with this movement. The teacher will move through the gym and correct anything they see that needs corrected by giving students feedback as they move. The class will also have a discussion together after each movement. Again, the teacher will direct the conversation and give feedback as needed. Students are usually able to tell me that most of the pathways are used in order to avoid an opponent or person that is chasing them during a game or activity and they can identify that running in a straight pathway allows them to quickly catch the person running from them. After performing all the movements and pathways for the day, the teacher will bring the students to the meeting area and use GoNoodle to cool them down. The teacher will use

Step 4: Assessment: Same kind of assessment for the previous lesson, the teacher will assess their movements again to see if they’ve improved at all and I’ll also check to see if they understand the pathways along with the movements. Students also give them self and assessment at the end of class so I know how they feel about the movements and pathways. If they don’t feel comfortable with these 2 concepts teacher and student will have a one on one conversation to see how the teacher can help.  The students will give a thumbs up if they are completely comfortable, thumb to the side of they feel ok, and thumbs down if they are completely confused and don’t understand.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Follow-through activities for the pathways are a little easier because they use pathways without knowing it. In order to check for understanding and see if they’re grasping the concepts the class will play some tag games and the teacher will name the pathways and then discuss which pathway was most successful for being a tagger and what was most successful for being a runner.  


Lesson Plan #3 Title:  Levels, Pathways and Locomotor Skills

Performance Objective: Using a demonstration from the teacher, kindergarten students will be able to perform different locomotor movements combined with different pathways and

levels, being able to identify all 3 levels and all 3 pathways while performing 5 out of 7 movements successfully.   

Resources or Materials Needed: Poly-spots, movement cubes, juggling scarves, Pandora music, iPad for teacher, computer for teacher

Time: 45 minutes 

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Students will come into the gym and will review the previous 2 lessons and discuss why those 2 lessons were important and how they can help outside of P.E. The class will discuss the proper form for the movements they’ve learned and then discuss what pathways are used for which activities and why. The class will then discuss the goal for the day and why they are trying to reach that goal. The teacher will explain why personal space is important and have them describe why it’s important and how to keep that personal space. The class will also talk about their home base and that they need to get back to it each time.  The students will also be instructed that Pandora music is the starting and stopping signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using

Step 2: Content Presentation: After review the class will begin to talk about the different levels they can move in. The class will talk about high levels, which starts at their shoulders and goes up, medium levels, which go from their shoulders to their knees, and low levels which go from their knees to the floor. The class will talk together about what the levels are and where/when they can use them. This is a concept most of the students struggle with, so this lesson is directed even more by the teacher. Some students are able to access some prior knowledge without help but for most of the class the teacher will have to push them in the right direction, then they can recall sometimes then moved in the high, medium and low levels. Most are able to talk about crawling for low, running or walking for medium and most say jumping for high.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Just like the previous lessons, they’ll all go to a poly-spot and do the helicopter in order to see if they have enough space. Once that is done the teacher will  now roll 3 movement cubes. One with movements, the 2nd with levels, and the 3rd with pathways. This is something that really gets the students involved and engaged. Once the 3 cubes are rolled the students will then move around the gym. The major difference in this lesson is that the students will have a juggle scarf in their hand to definitively show the teacher what level they’re moving at. If it’s a high level the scarf will be above their head, if it’s medium they’ll just hold it at their waist and if it’s low they’ll hold it somewhere between their knee and the floor. The teacher will give individual feedback as needed and again the class will have a group talk after each round of movements. After moving in the different levels students are able to make a few more connections. After moving in a high level and holding their hands above their head while moving they can connect this to catching a ball while running and are able to pick a few specific sports in which they have to use a high level. They connect that they basically spend most of their day in the medium level and after using a low level they can connect the low level with getting onto a slide, crawling through tubes at some of the places they go with their friends and very few could connect a low level to playing goalie in soccer if they had to bend down to stop a ball. After performing all the movements and pathways for the day, the teacher will bring the students to the meeting area and use GoNoodle to cool them down. The teacher will use

Step 4: Assessment: Assessment works the same way here as well. The teacher will observe the movements, pathways and levels and put it into my iPad. Again, the teacher sees if movements have improved and how well they can combine the pathways and levels with the movements. Students do a self-assessment again to see how comfortable students are with the new content and have conversations as needed if they do not feel comfortable.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: When designing follow through activities for the levels, the teacher usually uses obstacle courses so that they are constantly changing levels and using different pathways and then discuss why changing levels is important in an obstacle course or you wouldn’t be able to get through. The class then talk about the playground and the different levels they can use out there and why they are important. Students are able to describe bumping their heads on slides if they don’t duck down and not being able to use monkey bars if they can’t use a high level. 

Lesson Plan #4 Title: Movement concepts with hoops 

Performance Objective: Using prior knowledge and instruction from a YouTube video, kindergarten students will perform different locomotor movements while demonstrating personal space, being able to perform 5 out of 7 locomotor movements successfully.

Resources or Materials Needed: Hula hoops, Pandora music, YouTube, Promethean board

Time: 45 minutes 

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: When students come into class a discussion will happen about last class and what they learned. Students will review what movements they have learned and why they are important. They will discuss the goal for the day and how they are going to be able to reach it. The class will then discuss the connection between movement and personal space, as that is the main goal for the day. Students will be instructed that Pandora music will be the start and stop signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using The teacher will discuss with the students how there will be a YouTube video up on the Promethean board to help out with the proper execution and for of the movements they are working on for the day. It is a video playlist with 6 of the 7 movements on there, the teacher will use

Step 2: Content Presentation: After a quick review and discussion with the class, the teacher will move on to the lesson for the day. Students will be using hula hoops to demonstrate their personal space while also performing locomotor movements. The class will discuss together how personal space and moving are connected. They will hopefully talk about the importance of keeping personal space while moving in order to stay safe. There will also be a discussion about what the signal is to move and what the signal is to stop and listen. Most students know that the music played on Pandora is our signal to start and stop. The teacher will also talk about the YouTube video that will be displayed on the Promethean board in order to help with locomotor movements. The video will show the proper movement and well as the proper execution of the movement.

Step 3: Learner Participation: First, they will be moving near their using the locomotor movements they’ve learned. For example, students will jump out of their hoop and then jump back in. They will skip around their hoop while staying close to it. After students quickly review the movements they’ll then pick up their hoop and the hoop will represent their personal space. The hoop around their waist shows everyone else where their personal space is and no one should come inside of it. After they get the hoops around their waist I will have a YouTube video showing the movement they should be doing. On the video it will show the proper movement as well as the proper execution of the movement. Students may stop and reference the video at any point during the participation period. In between movements students will stop and discuss why it is important not to bump anyone else’s hoop while moving. The class will also talk about why it is important to stop when they hear the music stop as well. The teacher will also ask a few questions about when it is appropriate to use the specific movement that they are practicing. After students finish the activity for the day they will be prompted to clean up their hula hoops and find a spot in the meeting area. At this point the teacher will turn on GoNoodle for the students to cool down with a video. The video is called “melting” and they this will bring the students back to a calm state so that they are ready to have a meaningful discussion to end the class. The teacher will use

Step 4: Assessment: The teacher is constantly assessing while observing students moving. Today the teacher is paying special attention to the students keeping their personal space. While assessing the teacher is recording the data in their iPad so the data can be tracked as the year goes on. Students will also do a self-assessment to let the teacher know how they are feeling about the movements and staying in their personal space.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: A great follow through activity for this is having students pair up and play follow the leader. It allows the students to move closely together while keeping a safe distance from their partner while they lead.


Lesson Plan #5 Title: Using pathways with partners


Performance Objective: Using teacher demonstration and help from classmates, kindergarten


students will use different movements while combining pathways, being able to identify all 3


pathways and perform 5 of 7 movements successfully.


Resources or Materials Needed: Poly spots, Promethean board, YouTube, Pandora music, iPad


for teacher, computer for




Time: 45 minutes


Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Students will come into the gym and quickly review the last lesson. The class will discuss what the hula hoops represented while moving and what movements they used and when is an appropriate time to use them. The class will then move on and discuss the goal for the day and why the goal is important. They will discuss the locomotor movements and how they could connect to different pathways that they will be using in class. The teacher will ask why different pathways are important and ask the students to think about that question while moving in class today. The students will be instructed that Pandora music will be the start and stop signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using The teacher will discuss with the students how there will be a YouTube video available upon request on the Promethean board to help out with the proper execution and for of the movements they are working on for the day. The teacher won’t have it playing continuously but if students would like to reference it for help on a specific movement it will be available. It is a video playlist with 6 of the 7 movements on there, the teacher will use

Step 2: Content Presentation: The teacher will then move the topic of conversation onto the content for the day. The class will talk about different pathways and how they can help while moving not only in the gym but outside of the gym as well. The teacher will discuss the activity for the day, the teacher will explain that students will pair up back to back when they go to the activity area. This will be their partner for the first round. The class is going to play follow the leader, the leader will pick the movement and pathways while their partner follows. They will play rock, paper, scissor to decide who is the leader first. To start, the teacher will pick the first movement for a test round, after that it is the leader’s responsibility to choose the movement and change pathways. The teacher will discuss with the class the importance of keeping a safe distance behind the leader while moving so that they keep their own personal space and don’t crash into each other. The students will discuss why the might need to use different pathways during follow the leader. After each person has had a turn being a leader they will then switch back to their original jobs and the leader will now pick a movement and the follower has to choose a different movement while doing the same pathway. This will show them how different movements can change how they follow the person in front of them.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will find a poly spot to represent their home base and make sure that they have enough personal space around them. When the teacher says “GO” students will get back to back with a partner and then play rock, paper, scissors to pick the leader. The first round will be chosen by the teacher to make sure students understand. After the first round it is the leader’s job to pick the movement and pathway. Students will move together a safe distance apart while one is following the other. Between movements the teacher will ask the class why it is important to keep a safe distance apart from the leader. The teacher will also talk about how the pathways affect how they move behind the leader. The students will then switch jobs and do the same thing and have the same discussion. To finish the activity; they will go back to their original jobs and the leader will choose a movement and the follower has to choose something different from the leader but must follow the pathway still. The students will discuss how the different movements changed how they followed and if it made any different at all. They will then switch and repeat the activity and discussion. During the activity there will be a YouTube video running while they are moving so they can reference the movements while they are moving. At the end of the activity the teacher will bring them back to the meeting area and put on GoNoodle, “Melting”, and have the students cool down so they can have a meaningful discussion about today’s lesson. . The teacher will use

Step 4: Assessment: The teacher is constantly assessing while observing students moving. Today the teacher is paying special attention to the students following at a safe distance and if they are following and identifying the pathways being used. While assessing the teacher is recording the data in their iPad so the data can be tracked as the year goes on. Students will also have a self-assessment at the end of class to let the teacher know how they are feeling about the movements and pathways.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: A good follow-through activity is a game on one on one tag. Students will stay as partners and toss a ball back and forth and when the music starts whoever has the ball is the tagger and must chase down the runner. The runner needs to use different pathways while moving. Between each turn the group discusses how pathways and movements affected the tagger and runner.


Lesson Plan #6 Title: Germ Tag


Performance Objective: Using teacher instruction and past knowledge, students will combine


pathways, levels and different movements, being able to identify all 3 levels, all 3 pathways


and preforming 5 of 7 movements successfully.


Resources or Materials Needed: Dodgeballs, pool noodles, poly spots, Pandora music, iPad for


teacher, computer for teacher, GoNoodle, Promethean board


Time: 45 minutes


Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Students will enter the gym and immediately review the lesson from the last class. They will discuss the importance of using different pathways and how following a partner changed the way they used their pathways. Students will also discuss the differences between when they had to do the same movement as the leader compared to using a different movement from the leader. The teacher will then start the conversation about the days lesson. The throwing is where the different levels come in. Students will be reminded that Pandora is the start and stop signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using

Step 2: Content Presentation: The teacher will ask the students to recall the 3 different levels the class has talked about a few lessons before. The students will discuss why the 3 different levels are important and where and when they can use them. Students will then re-visit pathways and combining them with the locomotor movements they use every day. Today they will be using pathways and movements in order to flee from taggers in the game called germ tag. The teacher will explain the game, the game has 3 phases. The 1st phase starts with one person as a tagger, the taggers are identified by having pool noodles in their hands. If a student is tagged by the “germ” or tagger, they become a germ and grab a pool noodle and start tagging as well. The next phase, the teacher will pick 3 taggers and once a student is tagged they need to take a knee to let the taggers know they’ve been tagged and are out. The round ends when all the students are tagged and on a knee. The final phase of the game, the teacher will pick 3 taggers and they will move around tagging students but this time the teacher will roll out dodgeballs for the tagged students to wash their hands with. The balls represent soap and will rid the student of germs and is allowed to get back up and participate. After they wash their hands the are to either roll or throw the ball to another tagged students.

Step 3: Learner Participation: After explaining the game students the find a spot to themselves in open space and the teacher will choose one tagger. Once the music begins playing the round starts. When everyone is tagged and has a pool noodle and the round has ended, the class will then come together for a discussion. The class will discuss different strategies they used in order to flee from taggers and how they used different pathways and movements. Another side discussion will be how germs can start small and spread quickly. When the 2nd phase begins, the teacher will pick 3 taggers, once the music starts the round starts. When all students are tagged and are taking a knee the teacher will know the round is over. When the class talks this time the teacher will direct the conversation towards have them compare their strategies for the different rounds. The teacher will ask how they moved when they knew the whole class would be tagging in the first round compared to just 3 people tagging in the second round. Students will talk about how they chose different pathways and movements in the 2 rounds. For the final round the teacher will pick 3 taggers but this time when students get tagged they can use a dodgeball to wash their hands of the germs and begin participating again. After they wash their hands they need to roll or throw the ball to another student who has been tagged. They can choose which level to roll or throw at. The teacher will allow this round to go on for about 3-5 minutes since the taggers won’t be able to tag everyone since students can get back in the game. After each round the teacher will ask students if their strategies had changed as far as using pathways and movements from round to round. Another talking point will be which level the threw or rolled the ball in. The teacher will ask if one level is easier than another and why. After the class has played multiple rounds of the game and talk about different strategies the teacher will ask students to return to the rug in order to cool down and have a conversation to wrap up class. The students will watch GoNoodle and cool down before having a meaningful discussion. The teacher will use

 After this lesson the class will talk about movement strategies but also the teacher will look for students connecting this game to games or activities they do outside of P.E.

Step 4: Assessment: The teacher is constantly assessing while observing students moving. Today the teacher will pay special attention to students moving safely while using different pathways and movements. The teacher will also listen if the students can identify the 3 different levels discussed before the activity. While assessing the teacher is recording the data in their iPad so the data can be tracked as the year goes on. Students will also have a self-assessment at the end of class to let the teacher know how they are feeling about the movements, pathways and levels.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Some follow through activities after a tag game would be any kind of throwing activities, or keep working on different types of tagging games. This activity is kind of the culminating activity in building a foundation for the year but there’s always ways to build on this. The teacher will run stations throughout the year as well to do a check in on all the skills the class has practiced in this unit.

Lesson Plan #7 Title: Stations


Performance Objective: Using teacher instruction, past knowledge and YouTube videos,


students will combine pathways, levels and different movements, being able to identify all 3


levels, all 3 pathways and preforming 5 of 7 movements successfully.


Resources or Materials Needed: Cones, YouTube, Pandora, GoNoodle, Pool Noodles, 9 ft.


crawl through tunnel, gym mats, hurdles, hula hoops


Time: 45 minutes


Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Students will enter the gym and quickly review the lessons the class has done previously. The teacher will ask what was learned and the students will talk about locomotor movements, pathways and levels. The class will talk about why all these things are different and how they can combine them to successfully move. Students will identify how they are able to use these concepts outside of P.E. as well as in P.E. The students will be instructed that Pandora music is going to be the start and stop signal. The teacher will have control of starting and stopping the music with a computer that has Pandora running on it. The teacher will access Pandora using the link above, it should connect to a Kidz Bop music station. Using this station doesn’t need a log in, it is on the homepage of Pandora and should be accessible right away using The teacher will discuss with the students how there will be a YouTube video available upon request on the Promethean board to help out with the proper execution and for of the movements they are working on for the day. The teacher won’t have it playing continuously but if students would like to reference it for help on a specific movement it will be available. It is a video playlist with 6 of the 7 movements on there, the teacher will use

Step 2: Content Presentation: Today the teacher is going to be describing the stations students will be moving through. There will be 6 different stations that students will rotate through. The teacher will let students know that they are expected to do their job when at each station and to safely participate and stay at their assigned station. The teacher will describe each station to the students and have a short demonstration at each station so that the students know what to do. Students will be at each station for 5 minutes before they rotate. Stations will be listed below:

Station #1: Scarf movement: Students will be able to come to this station and pick up a juggling scarf and they are able to choose any movement they would like and hold the scarf at any level they would like. There will be a designated area they are able to move in, it will be identified with cones so the students don’t leave the boundary.

Station #2: Puddle Jumping: When students get to this station they will work on jumping in and out of hula hoops using 2 feet. Leaving the floor with 2 feet and landing safely with 2 feet. There will be cones that represent the boundary with hula hoops inside of this boundary.

Station #3: Bean bag toss: Students will be focusing on levels at this station. They will have a bean bag inside of a boundary represented by cones and toss the bean bag in different levels. They’ll work on tossing it in one level and trying to catch it in another level. The class will discuss which levels were easiest and hardest to throw and catch in at the end of class.

Station #4: Rolling around: This station will mostly focus on levels, students will roll balls back and forth to a partner inside a boundary represented by cones. They need to keep the balls inside the boundary. They are focusing on keeping the ball at a low level.

Station #5: Target Practice: Students will have a bean bag and a few hula hoops will be scattered inside a boundary represented by cones. The hula hoops represent the targets they’ll be tossing at. This station will focus on levels and movements. After they toss their bean bag they will choose a movement to do in order to retrieve it. The movement needs to change every time. Students will experiment with tossing the bean bag at different levels during this time. The class will discuss which level was the best to toss in at the end of class.

Station #6: Obstacle course: At this station there will be a variety of obstacles set up for students to navigate through. It will include the 9 ft. crawl through tunnel, hurdles and gym mats listed in the material above. They will need to jump hurdles, crawl through tunnels, move side to side through obstacles as well. At the end of class; the discussion will focus on how, when and why they had to change levels, if they had to change pathways, and which movements allowed for the most success to get through the course.

Students will be reminded that Pandora music will be the start and stop signal.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will be divided up evenly and rotate through each station. They will start when the music starts and stop and rotate when the music stops. At conclusion of class, the teacher will bring students over to watch a GoNoodle video to cool down and have a meaningful discussion. The teacher will use The class will discuss how they used different levels during the course of the day and which ones helped them be most successful. The class will also talk about the different movements and pathways they used while participating at the stations. Students will make connections with the things they did at the stations with things they do outside of P.E. and how these things can help them successfully and comfortably move outside of P.E.

Step 4: Assessment: During the station time the teacher will also be pulling students to the side and assess them. The teacher will perform a locomotor movement and see if they can identify each one, the teacher will also show each pathway and level to see if the student can verbally describe them. The teacher will record this data in an iPad to track throughout the year. Each assessment takes about 1-2 minutes, after the assessments the teacher is available to assess students during the stations to check the physical aspect of movements, pathways and levels. Students will also do a self-assessment before lining up to see how comfortable they are with everything the class covered.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: The class will use all of these concepts throughout the year. They will constantly be practicing all of these concepts and can be incorporated into a variety of activities as the class moves through the school year.



(2014, December 11). Locomotor Movements [Video file] Retrieved from


(2018) Retrieved July 31, 2019, from


(2019) Retrieved July 31, 2019, from